hill (EN)
főnév, ige

főnév “hill”

sg. hill, pl. hills
  1. domb
    The children rolled down the grassy hill behind their house.
  2. emelkedő
    The car struggled to climb the steep hill on the way to the cabin.
  3. földkupac
    The gardener made a small hill around each tomato plant to help them grow better.
  4. növénycsoport (földkupaccal körülvéve)
    In the garden, there was a hill of tomatoes, with the soil mounded up around the plants.
  5. dobódomb
    The pitcher walked up to the hill, ready to throw the first pitch.
  6. kiemelkedés
    The needle skipped when it hit a small hill on the old vinyl record.

ige “hill”

hill; he hills; past hilled, part. hilled; ger. hilling
  1. halmot képez
    The farmer hilled the soil around the base of each plant to protect the roots.
  2. feltölt (növények köré)
    The gardener hilled the soil around the base of the tomato plants to protect their roots.