संज्ञा “crowd”
एकवचन crowd, बहुवचन crowds
- भीड़
साइन अप करें उदाहरण वाक्यों के अनुवाद और प्रत्येक शब्द की एकभाषिक परिभाषाएँ देखने के लिए।
A crowd gathered around the street performer, making it hard to see what was happening.
- समूह (समान रुचि या उद्देश्य वाले लोग)
IT Crowd is a well-known TV series about people who are into computers.
- समाज में औसत या सामान्य लोग
Unfortunately, the CV he sent us doesn't stand out from the crowd.
क्रिया “crowd”
अनं॰ crowd; वह crowds; भू॰ crowded; भू॰ कृ॰ crowded; क्रियानाम crowding
- ठूंसना
She crowded all her clothes into one small suitcase.
- धक्का देकर आगे बढ़ना
People crowded around the stage to get a better view of the performer.
- भर देना (इतना कि चलना मुश्किल हो जाए)
Fans crowded the stadium to watch the big game.
- हटाना (धक्का देकर)
The kids crowded him out of the playground.
- मन में बस जाना
Worries about the exam crowded her thoughts all night.