اسم “profit”
مفرد profit، جمع profits یا غیرقابلشمارش
- سود
ثبتنام کنید تا ترجمههای جملات نمونه و تعاریف تکزبانه هر کلمه را ببینید.
After months of hard work, the company finally made a profit thanks to increased sales during the holiday season.
- منفعت
She spent the weekend attending workshops for her own profit.
فعل “profit”
مصدر profit؛ او profits؛ گذشته profited؛ اسم مفعول profited؛ اسم مصدر profiting
- سود بردن
She profited greatly from investing early in technology companies.
- سود رساندن (به کسی)
The extra tutoring profited the students, improving their test scores significantly.