اسم “portfolio”
مفرد portfolio، جمع portfolios
- سبد سرمایهگذاری
ثبتنام کنید تا ترجمههای جملات نمونه و تعاریف تکزبانه هر کلمه را ببینید.
She diversified her portfolio by investing in stocks, bonds, and real estate.
- مجموعه آثار
The graphic designer presented his portfolio to the potential employer during the interview.
- کیف مدارک
He grabbed his portfolio and headed to the meeting to present the new plans.
- مسئولیتهای وزارتی
After the election, she was offered the portfolio of Environmental Affairs.
- مجموعه محصولات یا خدمات
The tech company expanded its portfolio by adding new mobile applications.