
spirit (EN)
nimisõna, tegusõna

nimisõna “spirit”

sg. spirit, pl. spirits or uncountable
  1. vaim (hing)
    Many cultures believe that the spirit lives on after death.
  2. vaim (üleloomulik olend)
    They claimed to have seen a spirit roaming the old mansion.
  3. tuju
    She was in high spirits after receiving the good news.
  4. vaim (entusiasm)
    The team's fighting spirit led them to victory.
  5. vaim (tõeline tähendus)
    We should follow the spirit of the law, not just the letter.
  6. vaim (valitsev hoiak)
    The festival captured the community's joyful spirit.
  7. isik (erilise omadusega)
    He was a creative spirit who loved exploring new ideas.
  8. kange alkohol
    The tavern offers a wide selection of spirits and ales.

tegusõna “spirit”

spirit; he spirits; past spirited, part. spirited; ger. spiriting
  1. kiiresti ja salaja ära viima
    The valuable artifacts were spirited away under the cover of night.
  2. innustama
    The coach's speech spirited the team before the big game.