tegusõna “speak”
infinitiiv speak; ta speaks; minevik spoke; mineviku kesks. spoken; ger. speaking
- rääkima
Registreeruge, et näha näitelauseid ja iga sõna ükskeelseid definitsioone.
At the party, she spoke excitedly about her recent trip to Italy.
- oskama (keelt rääkida)
She speaks Spanish well enough to live in Madrid without any language barriers.
- suhtlema (võimalus kellegagi vestelda)
When is the last time we have spoken?
- väljendama (mõtteid või tundeid muul viisil kui sõnadega)
Through her paintings, she speaks about the struggles of women in society.
- esinema (kõnet pidama)
Tomorrow, she will speak at the conference about the importance of renewable energy.
- ütlema
She spoke his name softly, breaking the silence.
- mõistma (nagu oleks see keel)
I tried explaining the game rules to my cat, but I guess I don't speak feline.
nimisõna “speak”
ainsus speak, mitmus speaks või loendamatu
- žargoon
To fully understand the meeting, you need to be familiar with the legal speak they use.