T (EN)
täht, omadussõna, nimisõna, sümbol, sümbol

See sõna võib olla ka vorm järgmistest:
t (täht, sümbol)

täht “T”

  1. tähe "t" suurtäht
    Tommy wrote a big "T" at the top of his test paper.

omadussõna “T”

T, non-gradable
  1. filmi hinnang "teismeline" (sobib teismelistele)
    The movie is rated T, so it's suitable for teenagers but might not be appropriate for younger children.

nimisõna “T”

sg. T, pl. Ts or uncountable
  1. T-särk on mitteametlik nimetus.
    After spilling coffee on my dress, I had to change into a T for the meeting.
  2. teisipäeva lühend
    We have meetings scheduled for M T W.
  3. neljapäeva lühend
    We have a team meeting scheduled for W T F, always at 10 AM.
  4. tenor (meeshääl, mis jääb baritoni ja alti vahele)
    In the choir, John's voice was perfect for the Ts.
  5. Fordi mudel T auto (kindel varase 20. sajandi mudel)
    My grandfather still has a T in his garage, and it runs perfectly.
  6. haagisvagun (rongivaguni tüüp, mida veetakse, mitte ei vea ise)
    The train consisted of two motor units and a T in the middle for passengers.
  7. spordis "viikide" lühend
    After last night's game, the team's record stands at 5W, 2L, and 1T.
  8. tehniline viga korvpallis
    After arguing with the referee, the player was given a T for unsportsmanlike conduct.
  9. lühend sõnale "testosteroon"
    Injecting T without medical supervision can be very dangerous.

sümbol “T”

  1. tera- (eessõna, mis tähistab ühte triljon korda suuremat ühikut)
    The new hard drive has a storage capacity of 2 TB.

sümbol “T”

  1. tesla (ühik magnetväljade tugevuse mõõtmiseks)
    The MRI machine operates at a strength of 3 T, providing high-resolution images of the brain.
  2. tümiini (DNA komponent) sümbol
    In the DNA sequence, "A" pairs with "T" and "C" pairs with "G".
  3. aminohappe treoniini sümbol
    In the protein sequence, "T" stands for threonine.
  4. maatriksi transponeerimise sümbol matemaatikas
    To find the transpose of matrix A, you simply write AT.
  5. tritiumi (radioaktiivne vesiniku isotoop) sümbol
    T is a radioactive isotope of hydrogen used in nuclear fusion experiments.