Substantiv “wax”
Sg. wax, Pl. waxes od. unz.
- Wachs
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I prefer candles made of natural wax.
- Wachs
He spent the afternoon applying wax to his car to protect the paint.
- Ohrenschmalz
The doctor advised him to clean the wax from his ears to improve his hearing.
- Schallplatte
The band decided to release their new album on wax for vinyl enthusiasts.
Verb “wax”
Infinitiv wax; er waxes; Prät. waxed; Part. waxed; Ger. waxing
- wachsen (auftragen)
He carefully waxed the antique table to restore its sheen.
- wachsen (entfernen)
Before her vacation, she had her legs waxed at the spa.
- (zum Mond) größer werden
Over the next few nights, the moon waxed until it was full.
- beginnen, auf eine bestimmte Weise zu sprechen oder zu schreiben
At dinner, he waxed nostalgic about his childhood adventures.