Substantiv “ink”
Sg. ink, Pl. inks od. unz.
- Tinte
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She spilled ink all over the paper.
- Tinte (von Tintenfischen)
The squid released ink to escape from the shark.
- Publicity
The charity event received a lot of ink in the local newspapers.
- Tattoo
He showed me his new ink on his shoulder.
Verb “ink”
Infinitiv ink; er inks; Prät. inked; Part. inked; Ger. inking
- tinte auftragen
The artist inked the drawing to make the lines darker.
- unterschreiben
They finally inked the deal after months of negotiations.
- sich tätowieren lassen
She decided to ink a small butterfly on her wrist.
- tätowieren
The artist inked her with an outline of a cat.
- (Tintenfisch oder Oktopus) Tinte ausstoßen
When threatened, the squid will ink to confuse predators.