Verb “cover”
Infinitiv cover; er covers; Prät. covered; Part. covered; Ger. covering
- bedecken
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She covered the table with a cloth before dinner.
- sich erstrecken
Snow covered the ground after the storm.
- abdecken (Themen)
The next chapter covers the French Revolution.
- über ein Ereignis oder Thema als Journalist berichten
He was assigned to cover the election campaign.
- zurücklegen
They covered 20 miles before stopping for lunch.
- decken (Kosten)
The scholarship covers tuition fees and books.
- schützen
The soldier covered the entrance while others searched the building.
- vertreten
Can you cover for me at work tomorrow?
- covern
The band covered a famous song by the Beatles.
Substantiv “cover”
Sg. cover, Pl. covers od. unz.
- Abdeckung
She put a cover on the pot to keep the soup warm.
- Schutz
They ran for cover as the rain started pouring.
- Umschlag
The book's cover was torn and faded.
- Coverversion
Their cover of the old song was a big hit.
- Eintrittspreis
There's a $20 cover to enter the club tonight.
- Deckung (Versicherung)
The insurance policy provides cover against theft.