b (EN)
bogstav, tillægsord, symbol

Dette ord kan også være en form af:
B (bogstav, Navneord, symbol)

bogstav “b”

  1. det lille bogstav "b"
    The word "baby" starts with a lowercase "b".

tillægsord “b”

b, non-gradable
  1. forkortelse for født
    John Smith, b. 1985, is a renowned author.

symbol “b”

  1. lade (enheden lig med 100 fm²)
    The cross-sectional area of the uranium nucleus was measured to be about 1.75 b.
  2. et symbol for bit (den mindste enhed af data)
    The transfer speed is 3 Mb per second.
  3. b (i musik, et tegn brugt til at sænke en nodes tonehøjde)
    In the sheet music, the note was Ab to indicate it should be played a half step lower below A.