
account (EN)
Navneord, udsagnsord

Navneord “account”

sg. account, pl. accounts
  1. konto
    She opened a checking account at the bank to manage her daily expenses.
  2. konto (online)
    You must create an account before you can download the software.
  3. beretning
    He gave a detailed account of what happened during the meeting.
  4. betydning
    They took into account the weather conditions before deciding to go hiking.
  5. skyld
    Don't stay late at work on my account; go home and rest.

udsagnsord “account”

account; he accounts; past accounted, part. accounted; ger. accounting
  1. forklare
    She couldn't account for the strange noises in the house last night.
  2. bekræfte sikkerhed
    After the fire drill, all students were accounted for.
  3. betragte
    He is accounted the best player on the team.