Y (EN)
bogstav, Navneord, udråbsord, symbol

Dette ord kan også være en form af:
y (bogstav, udråbsord)

bogstav “Y”

  1. store form af bogstavet "y"
    The name Yvette starts with a capital Y.

Navneord “Y”

sg. Y, pl. Ys
  1. forkortelse af "år"
    She saved $5,000 in 1Y by cutting unnecessary expenses.

udråbsord “Y”

  1. angiver "ja" i valg som "Y / N"
    (for example in a questionnaire) Do you eat vegetables regularly? Y / N

symbol “Y”

  1. symbol for yttrium
    Yttrium, represented by the symbol Y, is a chemical element found in various minerals.
  2. en 1-bogstavs forkortelse for enhver pyrimidin (et organisk stof såsom cytosin, thymin eller uracil)
    In genetic sequences, "Y" stands for a pyrimidine base, which could be either cytosine or thymine.
  3. en 1-bogstavs forkortelse af aminosyren tyrosin
    In the protein sequence, "Y" stands for tyrosine.
  4. identificerer den dyreste type sæder i økonomiklassen på et fly.
    When booking my flight, I chose the Y class to ensure I had the most flexible economy ticket available.