
prospectus (EN)
Selfstandige naamwoord

Selfstandige naamwoord “prospectus”

enkelvoud prospectus, meervoud prospectuses
  1. prospektus (’n boekie of dokument wat ’n universiteit, kollege of skool beskryf en wat dit aanbied)
    I received the university's prospectus in the mail; it provided detailed information about courses and campus life.
  2. prospektus (’n regsdokument wat besonderhede oor ’n belegging of aandele-aanbod verskaf, gegee aan potensiële beleggers)
    Before investing in the company, she carefully read the prospectus to understand the risks and potential returns involved.
  3. prospektus (’n dokument wat ’n voorgestelde projek of plan beskryf)
    He submitted a prospectus outlining his ideas for his upcoming novel to his publisher.