Selfstandige naamwoord “property”
enkelvoud property, meervoud properties of ontelbaar
- eiendom
Teken in om die vertalings van voorbeeldsinne en enkeltaal definisies van elke woord te sien.
Please do not touch these tools; they are personal property.
- eiendom (gebou of grond)
They bought a beautiful property overlooking the lake.
- eienskap
An important property of water is that it expands when frozen.
- ('n rekenaar) 'n instelling of kenmerk van 'n program of voorwerp
In the settings menu, you can adjust various properties of the application.
- die besigheid van koop en verkoop van huise; eiendomsbedryf
She works in property and helps people find their dream homes.
- rekwisiet
The actors rehearsed using all the properties needed for the scene.