irregular (EN)

形容词 “irregular”

  1. 不规律的
    Her heartbeat was irregular, speeding up and slowing down unpredictably.
  2. 古怪的(在这个意思中指行为或活动奇怪、可疑)
    What the accountant is doing seems very irregular.
  3. 不平整的
    The path through the woods was irregular, making it difficult to walk without tripping.
  4. 不规则变化的(在语法中指不遵循通常变化规则的词)
    The verb "to go" becomes "went" in the past tense, making it an irregular verb.
  5. 不规则的(在几何学中指边长或角度大小不一的形状)
    The shape of the plot was irregular, with one side noticeably longer than the others.

名词 “irregular”

sg. irregular, pl. irregulars
  1. 游击队员
    During the conflict, the village was defended by a group of irregulars who knew the terrain better than the invading army.
  2. 偶尔来访的人
    At the weekly book club meetings, it's easy to spot the irregulars because they often have to ask for updates on the group's discussions.