female (EN)
sifat, ot

sifat “female”

female, non-gradable
  1. bola tug'ish qobiliyatiga ega bo'lgan jinsga xos (ayol)
    The female doctor was known for her expertise in heart surgery.
  2. tuxum ishlab chiqaruvchi biologik jinsga tegishli (ayol)
    The female lion is responsible for hunting and providing food for her pride.
  3. ichki rozetkaga ega bo'lgan narsani tavsiflaydi (ayol tipidagi)
    To connect the wires, you need a cable with a female end.

ot “female”

sg. female, pl. females
  1. ayol jinsiga mansub shaxs
    The team welcomed a new female member who had just moved to the city.
  2. tuxum ishlab chiqaruvchi jinsga mansub hayvon
    In many bird species, the females are less brightly colored than the males, making them harder to spot by predators.
  3. urug'lanishdan keyin meva hosil qilishi mumkin bo'lgan organlarni ishlab chiqaruvchi o'simlik
    In our apple garden, the females are the ones that bear the fruit after being pollinated by the males.
  4. ichki rozetkaga ega bo'lgan ulagich yoki moslama (ayol tipidagi)
    To complete the circuit, you need to plug the male end of the cable into the female on the device.