Bu soʻz quyidagilarning shakli ham boʻlishi mumkin:
harf “C”
- "c" harfining katta harf shakli
Roʻyxatdan oʻting misol jumlalarining tarjimalarini va har bir soʻzning bir tilli taʼriflarini koʻrish uchun.
Charlie's name starts with a "C".
ot “C”
yakka C, koʻplik Cs yoki sanalmaydigan
- C nota (C major gammasining birinchi notasi)
When learning to play the piano, the first note you should familiarize yourself with is middle C.
- D dan yaxshi, B dan yomon bo'lgan akademik bahoni ko'rsatuvchi daraja
After checking her report card, Maria was relieved to see she got a C in math, knowing she had struggled with the subject.
- yuz dollar uchun ishlatiladigan argo söz
I sold my old guitar for a C, which was more than I expected to get for it.
- kokain uchun ishlatiladigan argo atama
At the party, someone offered him some C, but he declined, knowing the dangers of drug use.
- "vulgar soʻz "cunt" uchun ishlatiladigan muloyim atama"
He called her a C and immediately regretted the harshness of his words.
o'ziga xos nom “C”
- keng tarqalgan dasturlash tilining nomi
Many modern programming languages evolved from C.
- Britaniya Maxfiy Razvedka Xizmati rahbarining unvoni
In the latest spy thriller, the protagonist receives orders directly from C, the leader of MI6.
raqam “C”
- 100 uchun Rim raqami
The number 650 in Roman numerals is DCL.
ramz “C”
- kimyoviy elementlar jadvalidagi uglerod belgisi
The industry produces a lot of CO2.
- kulum (elektr zaryadi birligi)
The battery stores a charge of 3000 C.
- Selsiy (harorat birligi)
- oʻn ikki sonini ifodalovchi oʻn oltilik raqam
In hexadecimal, 0x0C represents the decimal number 12.
- genetikada tsitozin nukleotidining belgisi
In the DNA sequence, "GATTACA," the "C" stands for cytosine.
- bioximiyada sistein aminokislotasining belgisi
In the protein sequence, "C" stands for cysteine, an amino acid important for structure.
- integralning doimiy qiymatini ifodalovchi ramz
After integrating the function, don't forget to add the constant C to your answer.
- fizikada sigʻimlik belgisi
The capacitor's C increased when we used a material with a higher dielectric constant.
- oʻrta-katta koʻkrak kubogi uchun oʻlcham belgilanishi
She realized her bra was too tight and needed to switch from a B to a C cup.