run-off (EN)

اسم “run-off”

sg. run-off, runoff, pl. run-offs, runoffs or uncountable
  1. مقابلے کا آخری مرحلہ
    After tying in the finals, the two top swimmers had to compete in a run-off to determine the winner.
  2. اضافی انتخابی مرحلہ
    Since no candidate received more than 50% of the votes, a run-off election will be held next month.
  3. بہاؤ (بارش کا پانی یا کوئی اور مائع جو زمین سے بہہ کر دریاؤں یا ندیوں میں جاتا ہے)
    After the heavy rain, run-off from the fields flowed into the nearby creek.