
question (EN)
іменник, дієслово

іменник “question”

sg. question, pl. questions
  1. запитання
    During the lecture, students were encouraged to ask questions about the material.
  2. питання
    The question of how to reduce traffic congestion was discussed at the city council meeting.
  3. сумнів
    His honesty has never been in question until now.
  4. питання (пропозиція для обговорення)
    The committee agreed to put the question to a vote at the end of the session.

дієслово “question”

question; he questions; past questioned, part. questioned; ger. questioning
  1. запитувати
    The journalist questioned the politician about the recent policy changes.
  2. ставити під сумнів
    Many people are questioning the safety of genetically modified foods.