
mold, mould (EN)
іменник, дієслово

іменник “mold”

однина mold us, mould uk, множина molds us, moulds uk або незлічуване
  1. форма
    The baker poured the chocolate into the mold to make heart-shaped candies.
  2. тип
    She is an athlete in the mold of the great champions of the past.
  3. шаблон
    The innovative artist broke the mold with his unique sculptures.
  4. пліснява
    She found mold growing on the cheese in the refrigerator.
  5. грибок (що утворює плісняву)
    Certain molds are used in the production of antibiotics.

дієслово “mold”

інфінітив mold us, mould uk; він molds us, moulds uk; мин. час molded us, moulded uk; мин. дієприкм. molded us, moulded uk; дієприсл. molding us, moulding uk
  1. формувати
    The artist molded the clay into a beautiful vase.
  2. формувати (впливати на розвиток)
    Her experiences abroad molded her views on culture.
  3. облягати
    The wetsuit molds to the surfer's body.
  4. покриватися пліснявою
    If you leave bread out, it will mold quickly.