
concentration (EN)

isim “concentration”

tekil concentration, çoğul concentrations veya sayılamayan
  1. odaklanma
    She needed complete silence to maintain her concentration while studying for the exam.
  2. Konsantrasyon (bir karışımda veya çözeltide bulunan bir maddenin miktarı)
    The scientists measured the concentration of pollutants in the river water.
  3. yoğunlaştırma
    The factory specializes in the concentration of fruit juices to create thicker syrups.
  4. yığın
    There was a concentration of birds near the lake during migration season.
  5. uzmanlık alanı
    Her concentration in university was international relations within the political science department.
  6. Eş Bulma (kart oyunu)
    The children enjoyed playing concentration on rainy days.
  7. konsantrasyon (madencilikte, değerli minerallerin oranını artırmak için cevherden istenmeyen malzemelerin uzaklaştırılması süreci)
    The new technology improved the concentration of silver in the extracted ore.