Greenwich (EN)
Özel isim

Özel isim “Greenwich”

  1. Doğu Londra, İngiltere'de bulunan ve üzerinden başlangıç meridyeninin geçtiği bilinen kasaba.
    The Royal Observatory in Greenwich is famous for being the location where the prime meridian line is drawn.
  2. Greater London içinde bir semt
    The Royal Borough of Greenwich includes a historical town of the same name.
  3. Connecticut eyaletinde bulunan bir kasaba
    My aunt and uncle recently moved to Greenwich, Connecticut, known for its beautiful parks and rich history.
  4. Massachusetts'te bulunan bir kasaba
    My aunt lives in Greenwich, Massachusetts, and we visit her every summer.
  5. New York City'de bir mahalle, sıklıkla Greenwich Village olarak adlandırılır.
    She spent the afternoon exploring the quaint streets of Greenwich Village, soaking in its artistic vibe.
  6. Washington County, New York'ta bir kasaba
    My aunt and uncle recently moved to Greenwich, New York, and they love the peaceful, small-town atmosphere.