potential (EN)
at sözi, sypat söz

at sözi “potential”

sg. potential, pl. potentials or uncountable
  1. gazanylmadyk zady gazanmak ýa-da ona öwrülmek ukyby
    The young inventor's potential for creating innovative gadgets was recognized by everyone in the science club.
  2. bir zady güýç meýdançasynda belli bir ýere geçirmek üçin zerur bolan energiýa
    To calculate the gravitational potential at a point above the Earth's surface, we must consider the work needed to move a mass from infinity to that point.

sypat söz “potential”

  1. mümkin, bir zada öwrülip biljek (bir zatdan ösüp çykyp biljek)
    The area has several potential sites for the new school.
  2. fizikada aýlanma bolmadyk meýdany suratlandyrýan
    In our study, we discovered that the magnetic field around the stationary magnet was potential, showing no signs of rotation.