ном маъноӣ “analysis”
якш. analysis, ҷам. analyses ё ношумор
- таҳлил
Ба қайд гиред, то тарҷумаҳои ҷумлаҳои намунавӣ ва таърифҳои якзабонаи ҳар як калимаро бинед.
After the experiment, they performed an analysis of their results to understand the outcome.
- таҳлил (тафсир)
The final analysis from the survey contained data on customer preferences.
- таҳлил (мантиқӣ)
Through careful analysis, the detective solved the mystery.
- таҳлил (химиявӣ)
The scientist performed an analysis of the tap water.
- таҳлил (математика)
She enjoyed studying analysis, especially the concepts of calculus.
- таҳлил (психоанализ)
He went into analysis to deal with his childhood traumas.