
collection (EN)

samostalnik “collection”

ednina collection, množina collections
  1. zbirka
    He has a large collection of rare coins that he keeps in a special display case.
  2. zbiranje
    The collection of data for the research project took several months and involved many volunteers.
  3. zbiranje (denarja)
    During the charity event, they made a collection to help the local animal shelter.
  4. izterjava
    After he missed several payments, the account was sent to a collection agency.
  5. zbirka (skupina pesmi ali zgodb, objavljenih skupaj)
    We will publish a special collection of Shakespeare's sonnets later this year.
  6. kolekcija
    My wife is looking forward to the summer collection.
  7. zbranost
    Even in the midst of the crisis, she maintained her collection and led her team effectively.
  8. izpit
    He had to pass his collections before he could proceed to the next level at university.
  9. množica (skupina množic)
    In advanced mathematics, students study how collections of sets interact with each other.