
Prometheus (EN)
विशेष नाम

विशेष नाम “Prometheus”

  1. पुरुषको दिइएको नाम (प्राचीन ग्रीकबाट)
    When his son was born, he decided to name him Prometheus.
  2. ग्रीक पुराणमा, प्रोमेथियस त्यो टाइटन हो जसले ज्युसबाट आगो चोरेर मानवहरूलाई दिएको थियो।
    In Greek mythology, Prometheus was punished by Zeus for giving humans the secret of fire, which led to the advancement of civilization.
  3. शनि ग्रहको एउटा उपग्रह
    While observing Saturn through his telescope, Alex was thrilled to catch a glimpse of Prometheus, one of its many moons.