
reference (EN)
daiktavardis, veiksmažodis

daiktavardis “reference”

sg. reference, pl. references or uncountable
  1. paminėjimas
    He made several references to his travels during the talk.
  2. šaltinis
    This guide serves as a valuable reference for new employees.
  3. nuoroda
    Be sure to list all your references at the end of your report.
  4. rekomendacija
    She provided references from her previous employers.
  5. rekomendantas
    You can use your coach as a reference when you apply for the scholarship.
  6. nuoroda (kompiuterijoje)
    The software uses references to access data efficiently.

veiksmažodis “reference”

reference; he references; past referenced, part. referenced; ger. referencing
  1. paminėti
    In his report, he referenced the latest research findings.
  2. cituoti
    Make sure to reference all the articles you used in your paper.
  3. pasiekti (kompiuterijoje)
    The application references images stored on the server.