daiktavardis “guest”
vns. guest, dgs. guests
- svečias
Užsiregistruokite, kad matytumėte pavyzdinių sakinių vertimus ir vienakalbius kiekvieno žodžio apibrėžimus.
During the holidays, our guests filled the house with laughter and joy.
- svečias (viešbutyje)
The hotel staff ensured that every guest had a comfortable stay.
- svečias (laidoje)
The famous author was a guest on the talk show last night.
- svečias (kompiuterijoje)
I logged in as a guest to use the library's computers.
veiksmažodis “guest”
bendratis guest; jis guests; būt. laik. guested; būd. dal. guested; dalyv. guesting
- svečiuotis
She guested on the popular podcast to discuss her new book.
- svečiuotis (kaip muzikantas)
The famous guitarist guested with the local band during their concert.