much (EN)
аниктооч, наречие, айланма сөз

аниктооч “much”

  1. көп
    After much consideration, she decided to take the job offer.
  2. ушунча (мисалы: ушунча көлөмдө)
    I didn't expect this much traffic on the road today.

наречие “much”

  1. абдан
    She hasn't been sleeping much lately.
  2. көп учурда
    Do you travel much for work?
  3. ушунчалык (мисалы: ушунчалык чоң)
    The baby didn't eat as much as its mother wanted.

айланма сөз “much”

  1. көп (алдында иш-аракетти билдирет)
    Much is known about this particular scientific question.