
meet (EN)
cêkapan, kata benda

cêkapan “meet”

meet; he meets; past met, part. met; ger. meeting
  1. ketemu
    Let's meet at the at noon to discuss the project.
  2. kepethuk
    I met an old friend on the street yesterday while I was shopping.
  3. kenalan
    I'm pleased to meet you; I've heard so much about you.
  4. kumpul
    The committee meets every Monday to discuss policy matters.
  5. nyukupi
    The project met all the client's requirements and was delivered on time.
  6. adu
    The two teams will meet in the final match to decide the championship.
  7. nyambung
    This is the point where the two rivers meet and flow into the ocean.
  8. ngadhepi
    They met their challenges with determination and never gave up.

kata benda “meet”

sg. meet, pl. meets
  1. kumpulan
    Let's have a meet tomorrow at noon to finalize the plans for the party.
  2. lomba
    He set a new record at the swim meet last weekend, beating his previous time by two seconds.
  3. pertemuan (ing bab mburu rubah)
    They attended the annual hunt meet in the countryside, which attracted enthusiasts from all over the region.
  4. papasan
    The freight train had to wait at the siding for a meet with the passenger train before continuing its journey.
  5. (matématika) wates ngisor paling gedhé saka rong unsur ing kisi.
    In lattice theory, the meet of these elements provides important information about their structure.