
request (EN)
sögn, Nafnorð

sögn “request”

nafnháttur request; hann requests; þátíð requested; lh. þt. requested; nhm. requesting
  1. biðja um
    The student requested extra time to complete the exam.
  2. óska eftir (með kurteisi eða formlega)
    The manager requested that her team submit their reports by the end of the day.

Nafnorð “request”

eintala request, fleirtala requests
  1. beiðni
    Upon her request, the chef prepared a special vegetarian dish.
  2. fyrirspurn (í tölvumálum, til dæmis gagnabeiðni)
    Every time you load a webpage, your browser sends a request to the server hosting the site.