Nafnorð “reason”
eintala reason, fleirtala reasons eða óteljanlegt
- ástæða
Skráðu þig til að sjá þýðingar á dæmasetningum og einmála skilgreiningar á hverju orði.
The reason she was late to school was because her car broke down.
- rök
He had a reason to be angry after they broke his trust.
- skynsemi
Through education, we nurture our reason, enabling us to solve complex problems and make informed decisions.
sögn “reason”
nafnháttur reason; hann reasons; þátíð reasoned; lh. þt. reasoned; nhm. reasoning
- draga ályktun
After examining all the evidence, the detective reasoned that the suspect could not have committed the crime.
- hugsa og skilja með rökhyggju
Humans are distinguished from most animals by their ability to reason.
- sannfæra (með röksemdafærslu eða rökræðu)
She reasoned him into accepting the job offer by outlining all the benefits.