
minus (EN)
حرف اضافه، اسم، صفت

حرف اضافه “minus”

  1. منهای
    Seven minus two equals five.
  2. بدون
    She found herself minus her notes at the meeting.

اسم “minus”

مفرد minus، جمع minuses
  1. علامت منفی
    The equation had a minus between the two numbers.
  2. نقطه ضعف
    One minus of this phone is its short battery life.

صفت “minus”

فرم پایه minus، غیرقابل درجه‌بندی
  1. منفی
    The temperature dropped to minus fifteen degrees last night.
  2. منفی (درجه یا رتبه کمی پایین‌تر)
    He received a B minus in the class.