Santa Claus (EN)
tikrasis daiktavardis

tikrasis daiktavardis “Santa Claus”

  1. mitinis personažas, manoma, kad per Kalėdas dovanas vaikams atneša
    Every Christmas Eve, children around the world hang their stockings by the fireplace, eagerly awaiting gifts from Santa Claus.
  2. miestas, esantis Spencer apskrityje, Indianoje, pradinis pavadinimas Santa Fe
    Every Christmas, tourists flock to Santa Claus, Indiana, to mail their holiday cards with the town's unique postmark.
  3. miestas Džordžijos valstijoje, Jungtinėse Amerikos Valstijose
    My family decided to spend our Christmas vacation in Santa Claus, Georgia, to enjoy the festive atmosphere of a town with such a unique name.